Band Camp Dinner
Help setup, serve and cleanup for the dinner during the band camp. Chaperones NEEDED Drive students to the events where the bus service is not provided. Competition Support NEEDED Coordinate volunteers to help on competition days. This includes moving and staging equipment, uniform preparation/repairs, prop repairs and helping with water cart during warm ups. Color Guard NEEDED Color guard mom to help color guards especially during the competitions. Concerts NEEDED Help with concessions and ticket sales for the concerts. Concessions NEEDED Collect donations of dessert items for sale during home football games and coordinate the staffs and the booster organization sales table. Correspondence by email NEEDED Send weekly email to all band parents. Drumline Help drumline especially during the competitions. Equipment Crew / Trailer ALWAYS NEEDED!! Load equipment and/or tow the band trailer. Escrip/Giftcards (Scrip) NEEDED Manage Scrip orders and distributing the gift cards as well as managing eScrip contributions. Event/Travel NEEDED Help coordinate trips and team-building overnights. Food Planning NEEDED Help plan Pops concert dining, student hospitality, band camp meals, etc. Freshmen Liaison NEEDED Establish and maintain contact with middle schools and organize programs and events for potential incoming freshmen. Fundraising NEEDED Coordinate fundraising activities (excluding Scrip). Historian/Memory Book NEEDED Compile photos, event information, competition record, student facts and remembrances for the annual band yearbook. PMAG Rep (Current Rep: Mika Snow) Recycling NEEDED Help students collect/gather recycling items (plastic bottles and cans) after the school event and turn them in for cash. Uniforms NEEDED Help maintain uniforms and coordinate fittings, cleaning and alterations. Volunteer Coordinator (Current Rep: Lori Willey) Communicate with parents and secure volunteer commitments. Webmaster (Lori Willey) Maintain and update band website. Year End Banquet NEEDED Assist students and the board in coordinating the end of the year banquet, tasks includes identifying viable locations, food selection, and awards purchase. |
Please contact us, if you would like to help: